Generators & Man-Gens

For Success, you must be DEVOTED to your Strategy


Generators &


For Success, you must be DEVOTED to your Strategy

The problem is, your Strategy is FULL OF CRAP.

When you use your Generator/Man-Gen Strategy correctly:


#1- You get results.


#2- You get to have fun in your business.

 Jackpot! 🎉🥂🥳



After working with HUNDREDS of Generators & Manifesting Generators, I've learned, there's so much more to your strategy than just "Respond"!


Some clues you might need a "strategy check"...

  • When you check in with your gut, you feel very little. It just doesn't feel like it's "working" anymore
  • You're really itching to get back to "consistent action" and "commit to a plan," but are so resistant or full of anxiety 
  • Pressure comes back in easily and keeps shutting you down

You know you should trust your gut, but it doesn't feel like enough.

As a Generator or Manifesting Generator Type, you've been taught that to be successful in life, you must be "consistent and disciplined."

So you keep going back to pressure and hustle to build your business, because it's the only structure you've ever known. 

➡ This is why you believe that the only way you can ever trust yourself to get anything done and not become a "lazy slob," is to have an outside "authoritarian" keeping you in line with abusive tactics.

This extremely rigid way of holding structure for your creative, free, and fun-seeking-self is what keeps holding you back from committing, planning, and executing your brilliant ideas in the world.

To put it simply: this is why you shut down and can't commit, even though you really really want to!


I want you to know a few things:

  1. First of all, there is nothing wrong with you. You are not alone!
  2. You could just hop back into someone else's blueprint for business, and maybe you've tried that, but it will never feel good to you.
  3. You don't have to keep jumping in and out of different structures, in an attempt to feel free.
  4. You can build your own structure that works with YOUR STRATEGY. One that moves and flows with you, holds you, and helps you do all the things.


It's just that no one has ever shown you how to create a relationship with your Authentic Generator/Man-Gen Strategy, until now.

And if you're wondering who the heck is talking about all this "relationship with your strategy" stuff is....


Heyyyy I'm Melanie!

Human Design Expert, Guide, Coach, 3/5 Manifesting Generator, ADHD Rebel, Heart-Led Business Leader


Over the past 2 years I've had SO much fun guiding some of the biggest game-changers in the world to Hack their Human Design in the lives & businesses.

➡ Parents, Therapists, Artists, Surgeons, Coaches, CEO's, Educators, Industry Disruptors, Revolutionaries, Social Workers, Physicians, Podcasters.... AND SO MANY MORE!!


The part of this work that makes me burst into tears is when I see my client look at themselves with power and love and become absolutely obsessed with themselves.

  • Then they get to keep on going and building their business that is going to change the world
  • They no longer have to contemplate quitting or dividing their energy between that other job and what they love doing.
  • Their self-doubt turns into sexy self-confidence.


And this is what creates the certainty you've been looking for.

The kind of certainty that lives inside of WHO YOU ARE, not whatever strategy or tactic someone is trying to teach you.


And that is exactly what brings structure and security to your business and life.


And what I've learned in the last 2 years of this work is...


It's available to anyone who wants it.


So if this is what you want for yourself, I created a way for you to make it your reality too.



➡ A 3-month Group Program to connect you back to your Generator/Man-Gen Strategy in a way that:

  • feels good

  • is structured AND dynamic

  • and has complete trust from your inner fun-seeker.


You can hold structure for yourself and your business...


And still honor your:

  • Human Design Strategy
  • Inner Knowing
  • Creative Impulses
  • Energy Levels
  • Neurodivergence
  • Inner Child
  • Authentic Self-Expression
  • Time
  • Freedom


You CAN  reconnect to your Generator/Man-Gen Respond Strategy  that loves to play and have fun, AND be consistent and structured.


Inside of DEVOTION, I'll show you exactly how to do this, and you will work with your Generator/Man-Gen peers to GET IT DONE.


➡ You'll never be unsupported or alone in the process.


➡ I'm in! Take me to sign up!


Month 1: Setting up Your Relationship with Your Strategy Step-By-Step & Themes


  • Establish a daily ritual (that feels good) that reconnects you to your Will
    • Examples: Pull a card & Journal, Make a daily list with detailed steps, List of Why you want what you want, Specific Daily Questions - you get to choose/create yours and change it up as much as you like.
  • Set Your Intentions, Goals, Values & Desires
    • In this session, you will establish your values & desires and then set your intentions and goals for your biz, for the next 3 months, in detail. This will activate your inner desire & will to create AND will activate the universe to send you things to start responding to, to make your goals a reality.
  • Systemize Your Strategy
    • Here you will create a plan of action based on your strategy, values, and desires. This will be a step-by-step process for you to follow so there is no more guessing how you will get to your goals. This will help your nervous system relax and give you a lot to choose from and respond to.
  • Work With Your Themes
    • Your type’s themes hold a huge wealth of information for you on what is going well, what you really desire, and what you want to let go of. Letting go is usually the easy part. This will be mostly about how to create safety to let things feel easy, satisfying, and peaceful.

This is the foundation of Devotion.

Month 2: Emotional Projects & the 9 Centers – as a Gen/Man-Gen

  • Emotional Projects & Listening Partnerships
    • The reason you’re not taking the action you want to be taking or creating a plan or getting specific is because you haven’t learned how to have a relationship with your inner desire. You have emotions holding you back from doing the thing you **know** you want and need to be doing, but you don’t even know what you are. You stay in confusion or spinning instead. I will show you how to uncover what is stopping you and you will establish a safe place to work with this energy, instead of letting it unconsciously control you. This will reestablish inner trust in yourself and your ability to get things done.
  • Working with Your 9 Centers as a Gen/Man-Gen
    • You will be able to hone & fine-tune how you implement your strategy in your business as you learn which centers you have defined vs open in your human design. You will also learn how to work with specific centers and your energy as a Gen/Man-Gen. This helps you use your energy wisely, with a purpose.
  • Turning Shadows into Gifts
    • You will learn how to recognize what is unconsciously stopping you from doing the things you REALLY want to be doing, and actively work with it to make it one of your gifts/strengths. This will reinforce the emotional projects you are actively working on with yourself/your listening partnerships.

This will be the ultimate guide to how you build an internal motivational system that is linked to your energy, instead of an outside motivational system connected to proving yourself. This will create safety and structure to move your business forward. 

Month 3: Create a Plan of Action You (actually) Like

  • Create Your Conscious Growth Plan
    • At the end of 30 days, you will review what happened and see what felt fun to do, what shifted for you, what worked as you implemented it, and how much you actively created with your system. This will be a fun way to evaluate what you want to keep and what you want to throw out in your system, and even what you might want to add for the next round. (We will do this at least 2 times together)
  • How to Protect Your Energy
    • You will learn your specific energy needs & cycles, then create a way to work with these energies in an empowering way. Being successful as a Generator type is being able to say no to the things that burn your energy and say yes to more of the things that give you more energy. You will know how to make a plan and stick to it (or not).

No more mindless growth just for the sake of growth. We'll deep-dive into how to reconnect & set your heart-led values by using your human design strategy and everything you uncover along the way that truly motivates you from the inside-out.

Who is DEVOTION for?

You are a seeker. 👀

You are willing to do the work to look within, and try different things. You are willing to look at all angles and consider new things. You will show up, ask for help and get help. You will get so many ways to do this work inside of DEVOTION.

You are ready to commit again (even if it feels scary). 🤝🏻

After letting go of abusive structure-systems, you know you want to get to work on re-structuring in a way that works WITH you, feels fun, and gets you more consistent results, YOUR way. This is a program about committing to YOURSELF.

You have a general understanding of your Human Design. 💫

You will get access to all my human design content to help you with this, but this is not a course in general Human Design. The places we will go will be deeper and more specific. (Also must be a Generator or a Manifesting Generator Human Design Type)

You want to support and to be supported by other Generators and Manifesting Generators. 🤗

This is a group for a reason. There is deep healing in supporting and being supported by other people doing the same work as you, especially when it's something that not many people are doing in the world.

You have a business of some kind (online or brick & mortar). 💻🏭

You know you need and want support in structuring the processes and functions of your day-to-day in a way that works FOR you and feels GOOD, not paralyzing or overwhelming or downright abusive!

HOW you will do it:

Step-by-Step Process

I will teach you tools every month specifically for your energy type, so you can create your very own step-by-step system for your business AND you will BE implementing it.

9 Group Coaching Calls + 3 Workshops

Live Coaching for 3 months to support you on anything that is keeping you stuck and to help you implement your own systems & your true strategy.

Community Space on Heartbeat

Day or night, wherever you are, you can access coaching and support from the group and me. This will also house all replay recordings.

Daily Practices

There will be daily practices and rituals you can draw from to keep going when it feels hard, or to get much needed rest and guidance from your intuition without feeling like you're slowing down.

You'll Be one of the OG's

Get in on the founding member's price and have the exclusive opportunity to help build the program. Only 12 spots available - we begin August 22nd!

The RESULTS you will get:

You will walk away with a concrete plan-of-action for your business that feels good to execute.

You will have your very own custom & dynamic system that you use daily/weekly/monthly to work with your specific business, Gen/Man-Gen energy type, and brain.

 You will know how to listen to, and work with your Sacral Center, even when it wants to throw a tantrum!

You will have a solid relationship with your Sacral Center and your desire for structure/control. No more inner conflict that keeps you stuck. You will know exactly how to use this to help fuel you into doing what you want to be doing.

Easily create money, new clients, and support whenever you need it.

You will KNOW how YOU get results. And it will be repeatable.

You'll be making offers consistently.

You will feel a joyous momentum inside of you that wants to flow out into the world and have the confidence of the structure you need to feel safe to share and make offers consistently.

Be actively scaling your business, sustainably.

This is the most substantial result of all. You will be building your business in a way that brings you joy NOW, not later. You will have a business that feeds your soul AND can pay your bills. You will be part of building a new way of life for the entire world. One in which your joy and satisfaction gets centered first, not the other way around.


1:1 call with me!

In this 30-minute call we will go over 3 very specific placements in your human design.
  1. Exactly what is keeping you from saying the things you really want to be saying in your marketing and directly to your people.
  2. The #1 thing you must get aligned to unlock ultimate abundance in your life.
  3. Who your ideal clients are, and why you are or aren't attracting them.

After this call, you’ll be able to make epic shifts in your messaging, who you're attracting to work with you, and how to receive more money with ease!

➡ I want in on this!



12 weeks together

10 Coaching Calls + 3 Workshops: Tuesdays 1:00-2:30pm CT

+ the Bonus 1:1 call with Melanie

Aug 22 - Nov 14

(12 Spots Max)


$1500 USD

Join Now


3 X $500 USD

Join Now

(For splitting payment methods or any other questions, email [email protected])