$4,444.00 USD

New Moon Retreat - One Payment

3 out of 5 spots remain!

What you'll get:

  • Intimate. 5 People Only.
  • It will be a 4-month, 1:1 coaching package + a 4-day, 3-night retreat. (12-1:1 sessions over 4 months).
    • There will also be monthly group integration & celebration calls throughout the 4 months.
  • The Retreat will be during the New Moon on January 11th-14th, 2024 - focused on setting intentions and aligning or re-aligning with your passions in your business and life for 2024 (and sooo many other juicy human design and astrology things). Click here to see where it will be hosted with a few other details.
  • We will begin in December 2023, with the first 3 sessions happening as "pre-work" before the big kickoff retreat in January and then the implementation work in our sessions after the retreat.

[ As soon as you purchase, I will contact you to get your sessions scheduled & coordinate anything for the retreat in Jan! ]