$500.00 USD

3 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Your first payment will be today and your next 2 payments will be charged to this same card, on the same day each month, thereafter. Contact [email protected] if you need to change payment method at any time.

I have read and agree to the privacy & policies statement. 

Devotion for Projectors

A 3-month group program to connect you back to your Projector Strategy in a way that:

💜 feels good, is structured dynamic, and has complete trust from your inner fun-seeker.

What you'll get:

  • 10 Group Coaching Calls + 3 Workshops
    Live Coaching for 3 months to support you on anything that is keeping you stuck and to help you implement your own systems & your true strategy.
  • SPECIAL BONUS 1:1 call with me!
    After this call, you’ll be able to make epic shifts in your messaging, who you're attracting to work with you, and how to receive more money with ease!
  • Step-by-Step Process
    I will teach you tools every month specifically for your energy type, so you can create your very own step-by-step system for your business AND you will BE implementing it.
  • Daily Practices
    There will be daily practices and rituals you can draw from to keep going when it feels hard, or to get much needed rest and guidance from your intuition without feeling like you're slowing down.
  • Community Space on Heartbeat
    Day or night, wherever you are, you can access coaching and support from the group and me. This will also house all replay recordings.
  • Being one of the OG
    Get in on the founding member's price and have the exclusive opportunity to help build the program.

[ Only 12 spots available - we begin August 23rd! ]